Transition Planning for Military Families:

With regard to the transitional planning, our team considers the entire process. Not only is it necessary to provide a common introduction of the student to the curriculum, but it is within our best practices to invite the entire family to meet with our counselors and tour the facility. In addition, it is important to review where the student has been and what the student’s post-secondary goals are. Within this context, the family members will have an open forum to have any and all questions answered. Our administrative team and counselors are an experienced group who utilize their expertise to make the families feel welcome and at ease.

Academic Planning for Military Families:

As the counselor reviews the students' prior academic performances, they are compared with the state and local requirements. By considering the student’s academic standing, the process of ensuring the student’s coursework and mandated testing is planned. Throughout this process, the counselor explains the state-mandated requirements. The student’s ultimate goals for post-secondary plans are also considered. As this process unfolds, the counselor is ready and willing to answer any family and/or student questions.

Resources for Military Families:

Aside from the counselor's guidance, our school’s graduation coach is also an asset for the student. Throughout the year, students are provided guidance and credit checks. Occasionally, guest speakers and/or field trips are planned. Students are invited to visit college campuses or Haney Vocational School. In addition, the Edgenuity program, which is the basis for earning credits, is paired with a blended teaching style. Every student has ample time to work side-by-side with the teachers. At this school, in particular, the daily activities are individualized in a “think outside the box” manner that is nearly custom-made for each student.

Student-Led Transition Team (S2S Club):

The traditional style student groups are somewhat modified as a credit recovery alternative setting school. Instead, individual students arise for student-led projects or special activities on selected occasions.

Support for Military ESE Children:

The ESE support system at our school is a multi-faceted group. The counselors and graduation coach work closely with the ESE coordinator. In addition, counselors from the district office visit our site and attend meetings. The students are also part of the planning and monitoring process, and the teachers are informed advocates for the students. Every facet of the student’s progress is monitored. If a student falls behind or expresses a need for assistance, the team works together to modify the plans.


Military Recognition Events:

This year we held a school-wide program that was held within our media center. Representatives from our local recruiting offices, a school board member, and our military family were invited. In addition, our personnel were formally recognized for their military services. A man who has been a mentor and long-time substitute at our school was presented with a recognition plaque for his service. The program was compiled with accolades to all who have served and concluded with an accompanied Rosenwald Gospel choir singing of the patriotic song, “God, Bless America.”.

Mental Health Resources For Military Families:

We currently have site-based mental health counselors. The district maintains and provides counselors as needed. Additionally, our counselors are trained to provide time to listen to any students who might need to vent their concerns. These counselors also work under the Multi-Tier System to accurately support our students. Tier 3 support is staffed with LMHCs.

Any Other Military/Related Details/Programs:

Yearly, one retired Army veteran has assisted with our graduation programs. He dresses in full uniform and leads the graduates into the ceremony. Daily, he serves as a mentor to all students as he either volunteers for cafeteria duty or as a substitute in the classroom. Not only is he a model with impeccable character, but he enjoys talking with the students. Additionally, he serves as a pillar of the community and attends all the school board meetings. He is an exceptional model of character and an amiable partner for the entire Rosenwald facility.

OCSD Resources

BDS Resources for Military Families

The Bay District Schools website has a detailed list of Military Family Resources and Educational Opportunities to best assist your family. It contains a PCS document, services, programs, educational resources, and so much more to aid in the success of your educational goals.

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